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Important adaptations to BtE counselling


Following on from yesterday’s information relating to COVID-19 and BtE counselling support…


  • Please contact me if you are needing my support and –
    • have been DIAGNOSED with COVID-19, 
    • have been ISSUED by the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) to quarantine, OR 
    • are VULNERABLE to the virus (e.g. pregnant, your baby is less than 12 months old, under treatment for chronic health conditions or your immune system is compromised).


  • I consider it to be our social responsibility to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 to the greatest extent possible to ease the pressure on our healthcare providers and protect our community’s most vulnerable members. Therefore, if you are playing your part and opting to self-quarantine then I am offering remote sessions (phone or Skype/Facetime). 
    • If you have an upcoming session scheduled with me and would like to change it to a remote session, please let me know.


  • You might also be thinking “But what if Leah gets the virus?”
    • If I am required to be in self-isolation, I will continue to provide support through remote sessions.


Please please please take care of yourself and your loved ones by minimising your risk of contracting and spreading the virus (e.g. hand washing, physical distancing) and boosting your immune system (e.g. sleep well, keep exercising, eat whole foods, get some sun).


Until our next session and during this uncertain time, please stay focussed on and taking whatever action you can to still…


Leah Fogarty

Important adaptations to BtE counselling


Considering the confirmed cases of COVID-19 are on the rapid rise, ensuring the health, safety, and wellbeing of BtE clients is my top priority. As a result, I wanted to inform and reassure you of the following:


  • No matter what happens, my commitment to providing support to my clients during this time of fear, stress and uncertainty will remain unchanged. Considering my professional clarity of purpose and legacy, this is a time in our lives where a Calm Body, Calm Mind and Post Traumatic Growth is so very important and so very much needed to maintain calmness and help navigate us through the enduring storm.


  • At my Malvern Rooms, the practitioners and facilities are following the current guidelines to prevent the transmission of the virus (e.g. no hand-shaking, provision of soap in the toilets for regular hand-washing, hand sanitiser). 


  • If you feel uncomfortable sitting in the waiting room at my Malvern Rooms, I offer you this solution – 
    • Arrive on time to our session and text me so I can let you know our room number and you can meet me there.  


  • If you are unwell in anyway, please do not attend our session. Please make physical health the number one priority right now. If you do attend whilst sick, I will encourage you to go home and we will reschedule the session. 


Stay tuned for Part 2 of this BtE notification that will be sent out tomorrow…


Until then,


Leah Fogarty




BtE Post Traumatic Growth program

Published on: 9 Feb

Thank you and Vale Kobe!



Two weeks ago, the sporting and basketball world was rocked by the sudden and tragic death of Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gianna.


Kobe was not only a champion athlete but from all reports and the interviews he did, he was also a champion father and champion human being.

As we've seen from social media posts, so many people are experiencing so many different emotions and trying to make sense of it all, and so this has inspired me to start posting more regularly to share the work I do with those involved in sport as well as the corporate world to heal from the pain, adversity and losses in their careers and life so they can GROW through what they GO through!


So you'll be hearing from me a little bit more with some psycho-education and research findings around my program called BtE - POST TRAUMATIC GROWTH. So keep an eye out for my posts, but until then...

...LIVE YOUR DREAMS...and thank you and Vale Kobe!


Leah Fogarty



Reflection, Intention, and Working together in 2020


As we start December, the urge to wrap things up for the year begins to stir in most of us...but keep in mind, this year we are also wrapping up the Decade.


I know many of you have achieved some amazing things this year let alone over the last nine, but they have also been surrounded by challenging times of pain and stress - that's the wave of life that we are ALL riding! 

So I encourage you to take some time before you say goodbye to 2019 to reflect and honour the greatness you have experienced and also the struggles you have faced and endured this year, as well as this last decade, because without them you would not have gained the POST TRAUMATIC GROWTH that has helped shape you to be the brilliant creature that you are today OR are going to become tomorrow.

And in relation to that, looking ahead to the New Year, be honest and have CLARITY about what you intend to DO in 2020, especially if you feel something was holding you back from shining brighter and thriving in 2019.


If you are needing my guidance with this process, please be aware that I am fully booked until Christmas Eve and then, in addition to taking time off to enjoy the festive period, I will be overseas for a little break and then back to work ON my business so if you are keen to catch up late January, just jump on my website or email me and let me know your session requests.


Wishing you and your loved ones a safe and joyous Christmas and New Year celebration.


Until then,


Leah Fogarty



Blue Day at BNA

Published on: 21 Aug

BtE is right behind this great initiative for better mental health awareness and support for our kids!



"This Saturday (24th August) Boroondara Netball Association (BNA) will be hosting their first Blue Day at BNA to raise awareness for Mental Health in our youth and to normalise speaking up with concerns surrounding mental health. We, at BNA, acknowledge and respect the importance of inviting conversation around Mental Health, and wish to destroy any stigma attached with such Mental Health Issues. Whilst Netball is such an important factor in physical fitness, we also believe it to be of even greater importance to our social and mental health. We ask that all players, umpires, coaches and spectators wear a blue ribbon, headband, socks etc to show support and raise awareness. All funds raised from the Sausage Sizzle on the day will be put towards Mental Health education to players, coaches and parents within our BNA community. We hope to see you (in blue) there!!

Please watch this video from our Sports Psychologist, Leah Fogarty from Between the Ears - Personal and Performance Psychology, who works with our VNL Boroondara Express athletes and coaches" hashtagBoroondaraExpress hashtagBoroondaraNetballAssociation hashtagBlueDayatBNA hashtagMentalHealthAwareness

